Thursday, April 18, 2013

When Family Comes to Town

Look at the love!  This photo was taken by my cousin, Cammie Wheeler, a few weeks ago.  She and my aunt Deb traveled to Oregon from California to simply hang out and celebrate life.  This is a quick snap shot of my aunt Deb and my grandfather, King Richard.   This photo tells so many stories about my life.  It's about family, love and connection.   One of the most important factors in living a healthy life is healthy relationships, and it starts with our immediate circles of connection. 

I had so much fun connecting with my visiting family.  We cooked beautiful meals together and talked about the importance of proper nutrition and caring for our bodies.  Aunt Deb took advantage of the tax free shopping in Oregon, and she packed home a new Breville juicer!  We swapped juice recipe ideas and contemplated the bodies ability to heal, detoxify, and rejuvenate.  We spoke about the commitment it takes to live a healthy lifestyle but how wonderful the rewards manifest in body, mind, and spirit.  My aunt Deb has been hitting the gym regularly and working towards eating even more yummy fresh and vital food.  She is amazing!  She is vibrant, and you can truly feel the love emanating from her.  It's pretty easy to be her niece. 

My cousin Cammie is another family rockstar.  Her deep heart and ability to truly speak from a place of meaning and compassion always amazes me.  It's pretty easy to be her cousin.  As many of you know who have been following the blog, I've really been cranking up the yoga practice.  Of course, Cammie in her engagement with me asks about my practice.  The way she genuinely asked the question allowed me in that moment to feel my deep gratitude for my yoga practice.   Her question also allowed me to feel supported by those that I love and feel close with.  In order to make real change take place we need the love and support of our family and friends.  We need people cheering us on!  Who are the people in your life asking the questions about how you feel, what your passion is, how life is inspiring or challenging you?  It all comes back to our relationships.  When I'm with Cammie, she reflects back to me the importance of listening deeply to those we love and truly caring about whats important to them!  It may seem simple, but it's about being PRESENT with each other. 

For me, family is really important.  I feel so BLESSED to live close to family members that I feel connection and depth with.  My grandfather, King Richard, lives about 6 miles away from me with another one of my fabulous aunts, Donna.  He is one of the funniest people I know.  I've started giving him vitamin B12 injections to try and boost his energy, he's 87 and wants to be a young 70.  He's not very open to the idea of vegetables.  He prefers donuts.  However, recently he did slug down some fresh pressed juice of cabbage, celery, carrot, lemon, and apple.  He was one of my biggest supporters as I went through Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture school.  He loves getting acupuncture treatments, and he thinks its the smartest job in the world.  "All you have to do is put needles in people," he asks?  I cherish the moments I'm able to spend with him.  He has taught me about the power of simply reaching out and taking someone's hand, holding it softly and looking into their eyes.  Yes, he has a heart of gold, and there is nothing quite like your grandpa reaching out and taking your hand.  It's easy to be his granddaughter.

I just want to honor the family I come from and give thanks for our collective heart of love and support.  I couldn't do it without you.  As I dive deeper and deeper into my own journey towards a life of balance, health, and vitality I give a deep bow of gratitude to those who walk with me on the journey.  May we all support each other to live more peaceful, mindful, and purposeful lives.  Thanks aunt Deb and Cammie for such an inspiring visit.  I always LOVE hanging out with you. 

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